Wednesday, September 1, 2010
Abigail is 2 years old!
It's been a long time since I posted a blog, so here's an update. Abigail turned 2 on April 14th & we celebrated her birthday with a Dora themed party. She is very close to walking. She is taking 5-6 steps at a time & seems to now prefer walking & cruising over crawling. Abigail has had her loaner hearing aids since Feb. & in August we got her permanent hearing aids, & so far she is doing well with them. I have noticed a difference in her speech & how she responds to us since she got them. It seems as if she is trying to say new words everyday. She still does private physical therapy once a week & we hope to start her in private speech therapy soon. Abigail starts her 2nd year @ Franklin County Board of Developmental Delays(fcbdd)on Sept. 13th. Her teachers will be Miss Debby & Miss Amy & she will attend school Mon, Wed, & Fri mornings. She will get group physical, occupational, & speech therapy there as well. We had a fun summer going to the pool often & also went to the zoo & saw the panda bears, penguins, kangaroos, & other animals.
Sunday, January 10, 2010
Abigail is almost 21 months old
Hey everyone! Happy 2010!! Abigail is now 20 months old. She will be 21 months old on Jan. 14th. We all had a good holiday. Abigail enjoyed her 2nd Christmas. I think her favorite part of Christmas was helping Mommy & Daddy open her gifts. She loved playing w/ the bows. Abigail is pulling herself up to standing & is learning some more sign language. She does the sign for all done & I'm teaching her the sign for please. Abigail said cracker for the 1st time the other day! Hopefully she will learn more words before long. She continues to do well in school & enjoys seeing her friends on Tuesday & Thursday mornings. Abigail is done with the bottles & is doing good without them. Abigail was recently diagnosed with a mild hearing loss in both ears & they recommended hearing aids. So we will be getting her fitted with hearing aids soon.
Tuesday, December 8, 2009
Abigail is 19 1/2 months old.
Abigail is now 19 1/2 months old & weighs 13 lbs. She is a very busy girl. She is now sitting up by herself & is crawling everywhere! She is doing the army crawl, but is trying to get up on her hands & knees to crawl. She is learning more sign language. She knows the sign for more, eat, & milk. I'm now teaching her the sign for all done. She also can tell us where her mouth & nose are. Abigail is also finally saying Mama & bye bye. She is a smart girl! I gave her the hair brush this evening & she was trying to brush her hair. She has about 14 teeth & is working on her molars. We've started brushing her teeth before she goes to bed. We have her down to 1 bottle a day. She just gets a bedtime bottle. She is eating all real food. Her favorite foods are pasta, cheese, yogurt, & PediaSure. We are looking forward to the upcoming Holidays! Happy Holidays everyone!!
Michele & Kurt
Michele & Kurt
Tuesday, September 29, 2009
Abigail is doing good @ school!
Abigail is in her 4th week of school & seems to like it. Today they made applesauce bread. It was yummy! She is starting to crawl more to get what she wants. She will chew on anything! She has 8 teeth & is working on getting more. I'm starting to get out her winter clothes to see what fits her. She is still wearing size 3 months. But her clothes seem to fit her better this year better than they did last year. She is trying to say more words. Today she was trying to say up.
Michele & Kurt
Michele & Kurt
Tuesday, September 15, 2009
Abigail's 1st day of school!
Abigail is 17 months old. Today was Abigail's 1st day of school! She is going to the Franklin County Board of Developmental Delays(FCBDD). There are 5 other children in her class. Her teachers are Miss Carrie & Miss Amy. She will be going to school Tues. & Thurs. mornings 9-11:15. She seemed to enjoy school. When she got there she played for a while in the classroom. Then she went to the motor area to play, had snack, then went for a buggy ride outside before saying good bye to her friends. She continues to roll everywhere & is trying to crawl. She is getting so close to sitting up by herself. She will sit up for very brief periods of time unassisted. She is talking more & trying to imitate us. She is getting to be a big girl!
Monday, July 20, 2009
Abigail is rolling!
Abigail is 15 months old. She is getting to be a big girl! We went to see her pediatrician, Dr. Ben last Wed., & she now weighs 12 lbs. 5 oz. & is 23 in. She is rolling both ways to get around. She is a pro @ rolling. She is also doing sign language. Her favorite is the sign for eat. She is also babbling quite a bit & tries to imitate us. She has a lot to say. Her 2nd 4th of July was a lot of fun. We went to a party & she stayed up to watch the fireworks. She sat on Mommy's lap & was smiling & clapping her hands as she watched the fireworks light up the sky.
Michele & Kurt
Michele & Kurt
Sunday, May 31, 2009
Abigail off oxygen @ night!
Hey everyone! Abigail went to the bpd clinic on May 15th & they took her off oxygen @ night! We are relieved that she's done with oxygen & I'm sure Abigail is happy to go to bed without the nasal canula. We took our 1st family trip to the zoo yesterday. I think her Mommy & Daddy were more excited to see the animals than Abigail was. The weather was perfect & the zoo was busy. The busiest I've ever seen it. We saw the otters, penguins, lions, grizzly bears, & the manatees. Abigail was asleep by the time we got to the bobcat exhibit. It was a busy day for her. I think she enjoyed people watching more than anything else. Abigail will enjoy the zoo more as she gets older. Abigail is getting more teeth. She has 2 teeth coming in on top. We still have her in OT & PT & continue to work with her @ home to strengthen her muscles. She has low muscle tone, which is common for kids with dwarfism. Her prematurity as well as her dwarfism is putting her behind. Hopefully she will learn to sit up by herself soon. She seems to be getting closer. She is in good health & continues to thrive.
Michele & Kurt
Michele & Kurt
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