Abigail's Blog

Welcome to Abigail's Blog! This blog page was created to keep you updated on Abigail's progress & on what her family is doing.

Christmas 2009

Christmas 2009
Abigail & her cousins, Blake & Denise

Abigail & her cousins, Matt, Mason, & Adrianna


" No, not Santa!"

Abigail, 18 months old

Abigail's 2nd Christmas

Abigail, 18 months old

Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Abigail-38 days old

Hey everyone! Here is my 6th blog. Abigail is 38 days old & 31 wks. gestation today. Abigail is doing really well with her nutrition. She is now getting 23 ml. of breast milk with calorie fortifiers. She weighs 2 lbs. 131/2 oz. She is getting to be a big girl! She has a little belly and is getting what Kurt calls a Chris Farley chin. She gets a sponge bath right in her isolette every Mon. Abigail is unable to get off the ventilator so Kurt & I have decided to have her Doctor start her on steroids. They started the steroids Mon. evening. It will be a 10 day course of steroids. The steroids will help to decrease the inflammation in her lungs & help them heal to help her get off the ventilator & on cpap. We will let you know when she gets on cpap. STAY TUNED FOR FURTHER UPDATES ON ABIGAIL! Michele & Kurt

Friday, May 9, 2008

Abigail-26 days old

Hey everyone! I thought I'd write my 5th blog while I have a minute. Abigail is now 26 days old & was 29 wks. gestation on Wed.(5/7). The exciting news is that I got to do kangaroo care on Tues.(5/6/08) for the 1st time! Kangaroo care is when you hold your baby on your chest. The skin to skin contact can be therapeutic for preemies. Abigail did really well with the kangaroo care. She loves having her Mommy hold her & her Mommy loves holding her! The NICU staff said that I can kangaroo once a day now. Abigail is back on the ventilator, but may go back & forth between the two for a while. She now weighs 2 lbs. 1oz. & is 13 1/2 inches long. She's a growing girl! She is continuing to do good with her feedings. She is getting 18 ml. of breast milk & a powder added to the breast milk to give the breast milk more calories. She doesn't have any IV's. She is getting all of her nutrition through my breast milk & powder substance. I'm excited to be celebrating my 1st Mother's Day this Sun. Happy Mother's Day to all the Mother's!

Friday, May 2, 2008

Abigail-19 days old

Hey everyone! We just wanted to give you a quick update on Abigail. She is now off the ventilator & on the cpap, which feeds her oxygen through her nose instead of having a tube down her throat. She's doing very well with it. She's also gained some weight. She is up to 2 lbs. 1 oz. She is also up to 12 ml. of breast milk every 3 hrs. They are also adding a powder to the breast milk to give her more calories. She is looking good & making progress. We love our little girl!STAY TUNED FOR FURTHER UPDATES! Michele & Kurt