Abigail's Blog

Welcome to Abigail's Blog! This blog page was created to keep you updated on Abigail's progress & on what her family is doing.

Christmas 2009

Christmas 2009
Abigail & her cousins, Blake & Denise

Abigail & her cousins, Matt, Mason, & Adrianna


" No, not Santa!"

Abigail, 18 months old

Abigail's 2nd Christmas

Abigail, 18 months old

Friday, July 18, 2008

Abigail-96 days old

Hey everyone! Here is my 10th blog. Abigail is now 13 wks. old & was 39 wks. gestation on Wed.(7/16). She will be 14 wks. old on Mon.(7/21). The good news is that Abigail went on nasal canula on Sun. July 13th & is doing great on it! Nasal canula is just oxygen prongs in her nose. Abigail is breathing all by herself! This is what we've been waiting for most of her short life. She still has her feeding tube in. They moved the feeding tube from her mouth to her nose. They did this so that when they start bottle feeding her there is nothing down her throat. Bottle feeding will be a slow process. They attempted to feed her a bottle for the 1st time today but she didn't take much & gagged some on the breast milk so they will try again next week. It will take time, but eventually she will get the hang of bottle feeding. She has to learn how to suck, swallow, & breathe at the same time. She now weighs almost 7 lbs. Abigail is making a lot of good progress. Stay tuned for further updates on Abigail!
Michele & Kurt

Saturday, July 5, 2008

Abigail-83 days old

Hey everyone! Abigail is 11 wks. old & was 37 wks gestation on Wed.(7/2) which one of the nurses told me is considered full term. She will be 12 wks old on Mon.(7/7). Abigail now weighs 6 lbs. 3 oz. at last check. The big news is that Abigail is now on cpap! She went on cpap on the 4th of July. So far she is doing really well on it. When I talked to her nurse this morning she said they turned her oxygen down. With cpap she has oxygen prongs in her nose with a little mask that covers her nose. It is forced oxygen into her lungs, but she does all the breathing by herself. Abigail is such a big girl & is so cute! They encourage her to suck on her pacifier so she is breathing through her nose which makes cpap more effective for her. She still eats through her feeding tube but if she does well on cpap they will start feeding her from a bottle in the next couple days. So there are exciting changes happening & we hope that she succeeds on cpap. Maybe the 5th times a charm. STAY TUNED FOR FURTHER UPDATES!
Michele & Kurt