Abigail's Blog

Welcome to Abigail's Blog! This blog page was created to keep you updated on Abigail's progress & on what her family is doing.

Christmas 2009

Christmas 2009
Abigail & her cousins, Blake & Denise

Abigail & her cousins, Matt, Mason, & Adrianna


" No, not Santa!"

Abigail, 18 months old

Abigail's 2nd Christmas

Abigail, 18 months old

Thursday, January 22, 2009

New Year update

Happy 2009! Abigail is doing good. She is 9 months old, weighs 10 lbs., & is 21 in. long. She is still on 0.2 liters of oxygen all the time but when she went to the bpd clinic this month they said that they'll probably take her off the oxygen during the day next month. She'll just be on it at night. That will be nice. She is doing better with tummy time, is cooing, loves to shake her rattles, & blow bubbles with her mouth. She is in occupational therapy(OT) & physical therapy(PT) once a week. She has been in OT & PT for 2 wks. & it already seems to be helping her. Our goals right now are for her to learn to roll & to sit up by herself. Her 1st Christmas was special. Mommy & Daddy unwrapped her gifts from family & Santa. Stay tuned for further updates. I'll try to update it sooner next time.
Michele & Kurt