Abigail's Blog

Welcome to Abigail's Blog! This blog page was created to keep you updated on Abigail's progress & on what her family is doing.

Christmas 2009

Christmas 2009
Abigail & her cousins, Blake & Denise

Abigail & her cousins, Matt, Mason, & Adrianna


" No, not Santa!"

Abigail, 18 months old

Abigail's 2nd Christmas

Abigail, 18 months old

Monday, August 25, 2008

Abigail-134 days old

Hey everyone! We are excited to inform you that Abigail was discharged from the NICU this evening!! After spending 8 wks. @ Riverside & 10 wks. @ Children's we are finally @ home as a family! She slept the whole way home & woke up a short while after getting home to eat. She is home on oxygen & an apnea monitor which monitors her oxygen levels & her heart rate. She will more than likely be on oxygen & an apnea monitor for at least a few months. She has an appt. @ the bpd clinic in 2 wks. when they will determine if her oxygen can be weaned down from 0.4, which is a low level of oxygen. Abigail is now 19 wks. old, almost 5 months old. We will keep you updated on her progress. Stay tuned...
Michele & Kurt


Unknown said...

Yay!! I am so excited that you guys are finally home :) We will miss you all though, so please come in to visit ONLY :) Post some pictures when you figure it out, I want to see all the cute princess outfits!! :)

Kristie said...

Hi guys,

I am so excited for you to be home with your little girl. It was weird not to see her in her room last night at work. Thanks for letting me love on her. I will miss our talks, so make sure you keep in touch. Enjoy having your family together at home. Take care