Abigail's Blog

Welcome to Abigail's Blog! This blog page was created to keep you updated on Abigail's progress & on what her family is doing.

Christmas 2009

Christmas 2009
Abigail & her cousins, Blake & Denise

Abigail & her cousins, Matt, Mason, & Adrianna


" No, not Santa!"

Abigail, 18 months old

Abigail's 2nd Christmas

Abigail, 18 months old

Sunday, February 22, 2009

Abigail update

Hey everyone! Abigail continues to recover from her Feb 13th surgery & is doing better every day. We took the bandage off on Fri.(20th) & the stitches don't look too bad. They are dissoluble stitches, so they should start to fall out over the next several days. We put a peroxide & water mixture, as well as ointment on the stitches once a day. She is starting to eat more. Sometimes she eats up to 4 oz. every 3 hrs. She is also smiling & laughing more. Her little laugh is so cute! She also enjoys Mommy & Daddy reading her books. We are enjoying watching Abigail grow & learn more every day. She is so precious to us! It's hard to believe she's already 10 months old.
Michele & Kurt

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